
Investment mentor personally teaches online live courses, sharing investment secrets and market insights.

Karthik Sarma, an Indian, is a highly regarded figure in the financial industry. He graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology (Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Madras) and holds master's degrees in Science, Management, and Operations Research from Princeton University. His academic background laid a solid foundation for his later professional career.

12-28 Startupindiamagazine

ETH2049 To achieve global connectivity of blockchain, Ethereum is integrating all blockchain

The core of ETH2049 is to build a comprehensive and unified Ethereum ecosystem, integrating all public chain networks into a unified platform through cross-chain bridge, consensus protocol and other technologies, so that assets and data can flow freely between various chains. It is expected that in 2024, Ethereum will reach its peak, becoming the only blockchain public chain needed in the entire crypto world, hence the name ETH2049.

10-09 The core of ETH2049 is to build a comprehensive and unified Ethe

"Mementoon" is a blockchain-based comic platform, making a striking appearance!

On September 4, 2023, the MEME token will be listed on both the P2B Exchange and BitForex Exchange simultaneously, with plans to also list on Lbank in early September. To commemorate this event, MEMETOON is planning a special event and will be gifting NFTs to users as a token of appreciation.


AI Fiesta: Generative AI Unveils a New Chapter in Live Streaming

The live streaming industry has witnessed a rapid transformation driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. Decision-based AI and generative AI have played a significant role in this revolution. Decision-based AI, powered by deep neural networks and reinforcement learning, efficiently makes judgments within specific domains using massive datasets. It has found widespread applications in content production, platform optimization, and user experience enhancement.


IOST will land on Lbank exchange and hold a $6000 activity contest

Lbank Exchange will launch IOST spot and contract trading at 15:00 on June 7, 2023 (Beijing time). At that time, there will be a recharge event and a contract trading competition, with a total prize of $2000IOST and $4000USDT

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